Musa belga da Copa do Mundo inicia carreira como modelo

Musa Belga
Famosa por se destacar pela beleza nas arquibancadas brasileiras durante a Copa do Mundo, a torcedora belga Axelle Despiegelaere, de 17 anos, deu início a sua carreira de modelo. Flagrada em jogos da Bélgica no Brasil, ela ganhou fama e fez seu primeiro ensaio.
Axelle Despiegelaere posou para uma campanha da marca de sapatos Gimpex. Responsável pelo ensaio, o fotógrafo belga Henk Van Cauwenbergh elogiou a torcedora.
– Ela não tem as medidas de uma top model clássica, mas é muito fotogênica. Ela tem lábios carnudos, um sorriso deslumbrante e maçãs do rosto. Suas proporções são perfeitas, e ela sabe posar – elogiou o fotógrafo.

Axelle ganhou fama durante a Copa do Mundo, chamou a atenção de marcas internacionais e ganhou um contrato com a marca de cosméticos ”L’Oréal”. No entanto, a empresa logo rescindiu com a torcedora belga. O motivo seria uma foto postada por Axelle durante uma caçada, ao lado de um animal aparentemente morto.

Reportagem de: 27.08.2014

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Rússia inaugura estádio em Moscou que receberá jogos da Copa de 2018

Estadio Russo
O presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, inaugurou nesta quarta-feira mais um estádio para a Copa do Mundo de 2018, a Arena Otkrytie, em Moscou. O local será casa do Spartak Moscou e, segundo a agência “Reuters”, levou sete anos para ser concluído ao custo de cerca de US$ 415,7 milhões de dólares (ou R$ 940 milhões).

Com obras iniciadas antes mesmo de a Rússia ser escolhida sede da Copa, em 2010, o estádio terá capacidade para 45 mil pessoas e, além dos jogos do Mundial, receberia também a Copa das Confederações.

-Este estádio está de acordo para um dos mais amados clubes da Rússia. A construção de estádios esportivos como este ajuda a estimular o desenvolvimento no país – disse Putin, durante a inauguração.
Após o Estádio Olímpico Fisht, em Sochi, e a Arena Kazan, de cidade que leva o mesmo nome, a Arena Otkrytie foi a terceira arena inaugurada para o Mundial da Rússia.
A Rússia planeja ter 12 sedes espalhadas em 11 cidades (Moscou teria dois estádios) durante a Copa do Mundo de 2018. No entanto, a Fifa planeja diminuir o número de estádios para dez, com o objetivo de evitar possíveis elefantes brancos.

Reportagem de: 27.08.2014

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Perto do fechamento do mercado, é baixa a procura por brasileiros da Copa

Valores Brasileiros
É comum quando uma seleção disputa a Copa do Mundo e fica bem posicionada, ou surpreende com boa campanha, ter os seus principais jogadores valorizados. Em condições normais, a quarta colocação deveria colocar em evidência os 23 atletas inscritos. Mas não é bem isso que acontece com o Brasil a três dias do fim da janela de transferências no principal mercado, o europeu. Após as derrotas para Alemanha (7 a 1) e Holanda (3 a 0), na reta final, apenas o goleiro Julio César conseguiu uma boa mudança. Deixou a reserva no Queens Park Rangers para disputar posição, de fato, com Arthur Moraes no Benfica.
O goleiro, que não seria aproveitado por Harry Redknapp no QPR, assinou vínculo com os Encarnados por duas temporadas. De acordo com a Pluri Consultória, Julio César saiu do torneio com uma desvalorização de 15,6%. Mas a ida para o Benfica demonstrou o contrário. Quem também se valorizou no mercado foi David Luiz. Porém, o negócio foi sacramentado antes do Mundial no Brasil. O defensor deixou o Chelsea para atuar no Paris Saint-Germain, que desembolsou cerca de R$ 180 milhões.

– Estou muito feliz. O Benfica tem muito respeito internacional. Depois, já joguei no Brasil, Itália, Inglaterra e faltava jogar em Portugal. Era um namoro antigo. Isso despertou algo dentro de mim e pensei por que não? Deu tudo certo e agora quero agradecer às pessoas envolvidas. Espero tentar corresponder às expectativas – afirmou Júlio César, em entrevista à Benfica TV.
Os outros 21 jogadores chamados por Luiz Felipe Scolari seguiram em seus clubes. Os mais velhos, com poucas chances de retornarem à Seleção, como Dante, Fred e Daniel Alves, também apresentaram desvalorização de acordo com o estudo. O atacante do Fluminense, que chegou a ser cotado para o Milan, foi quem mais saiu chamuscado do torneio. Caiu 15,9% no mercado. O defensor do Bayern de Munique, cuja queda foi de 12,8% segundo a Pluri, viu seu clube contratar o marroquino Benatia, do Roma, e certamente perderá espaço.

Na Espanha, Daniel Alves viveu situação inusitada. Foi colocado à disposição e chegou a ser cotado como moeda de troca em transações pretendidas pelo Barcelona. Porém, seguiu no clube. Na atual temporada, ele terá a concorrência de Montoya, revelado nas categorias de base do time catalão, além do ex-são-paulino Douglas, contratado nesta semana. Marcelo permaneceu no Real Madrid, mas vai conviver com o rodízio imposto por Carlo Ancelotti e ficará no banco do português Fábio Coentrão em alguns jogos.

Neymar Barça
Neymar saiu ileso da Copa. Além de ter sido o destaque do Brasil, com quatro gols, o jogador, que sofreu fratura na vértebra no duelo contra a Colômbia nas quartas de final, não participou da goleada sofrida para a Alemanha por 7 a 1, na semifinal do torneio, e da derrota por 3 a 0 para a Holanda, na decisão do terceiro lugar.

Na Inglaterra, os jogadores do Chelsea seguiram em alta com José Mourinho e no mercado de transferências. Ramires, Oscar e Willian estão sempre entre os titulares. Porém, outro nome que atua no futebol inglês vai precisar superar o péssimo rendimento na Copa para voltar aos holofotes. Contratado pelo Tottenham antes da Copa das Confederações do ano passado, o volante Paulinho não vinha sendo aproveitado pelo técnico Mauricio Pochettino, mas começa a esboçar uma volta por cima. Nesta quinta-feira, fez um gol e deu uma assistência na vitória sobre o AEL Limassol, pela Liga Europa.
E Bernard? Destaque do Atlético-MG na conquista da Libertadores, o jogador já não vinha tendo muitas chances no Shakhtar Donetsk quando foi chamado para a Copa. Ganhou a vaga de Lucas, do PSG, durante a Copa das Confederações, mas não foi bem no Mundial. O que agravou a situação do jogador foi o fato de não ter se reapresentado no clube ucraniano logo após o período de férias. Aos 21 anos, ele alegou estar com medo da situação de conflito no país e só retornou oito dias depois do previsto, chegando a se desentender publicamente com o treinador da equipe por meio de entrevistas e postagens em redes sociais. Seu nome foi especulado em algumas negociações, entre elas com o Arsenal. Mas, até agora, nada foi concretizado.

A queda traumática na Copa refletiu na primeira convocação de Dunga. Dos 23 atletas que foram chamados por Felipão, apenas dez retornaram com o novo comandante. Dos mais veteranos, só Maicon, de 33 anos, e Jefferson, de 31 anos, foram lembrados pelo treinador. Enquanto o jogador do Roma permaneceu na equipe para a atual temporada, o camisa 1 do Botafogo chegou a ser cogitado no Benfica antes do acerto dos Encarnados com Julio César. Em 2018, o lateral-direito terá 36 anos e o goleiro, 35.
– Não tenho muito como avaliar isso no momento. Mas os nossos jogadores sempre são muito requisitados pelos clubes europeus – desconversou o novo diretor de seleções da CBF, Gilmar Rinaldi.
Neste domingo, a delegação começa a se apresentar em Miami, nos Estados Unidos, para o primeiro compromisso pós-Copa, dia 5, contra a Colômbia.

Reportagem de: 19.08.2014

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Laudo pericial aponta erro de cálculo na obra de viaduto que caiu na Copa

Viaduto desaba
Nesta sexta-feira, 29 de agosto, o Instituto de Criminalística da Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais divulgou o laudo oficial referente à queda do viaduto na Avenida Pedro I, na região da Pampulha, em Belo Horizonte durante a Copa do Mundo, dois meses atrás, e que resultou em duas mortes e 23 pessoas feridas.

Segundo o laudo oficial do Instituto, um erro de cálculo teria levado à redução da quantidade de materiais usados na construção do viaduto. O documento revela também que não há relação entre a situação do solo ao redor do pilar que cedeu e a queda do viaduto.
Segundo a prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, a alça que ficou de pé deverá ser implodida no dia 14 de setembro. Para isso, as famílias que moram próximo ao local do acidente devem deixar suas casas aproximadamente uma hora antes da implosão. O cadastro dessas famílias junto aos representantes da prefeitura deve começar a ser feito no próximo sábado.

Reportagem de: 29.08.2014

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Copa 2014: acusados de calote, alemães começam a quitar dívidas

Alemaes na Boa
Acusada de calote por credores, a Acquamarina Santo André Empreendimentos Imobiliários começou a quitar suas dívidas. A companhia contratada pela Federação Alemã (DFB) para construir e administrar a concentração e o CT dos campeões mundiais na Vila Santo André, um povoado com cerca de 800 habitantes em Santa Cruz Cabrália – cidade próxima a Porto Seguro, na Bahia – está em débito com fornecedores, empresas, artistas plásticos e devia até mesmo a conta de luz da instalação.

Os credores ameaçaram entrar na Justiça para cobrar quase R$ 500 mil. A dívida, porém, pode ultrapassar R$ 1 milhão. A empresa pertence a três sócios alemães residentes no Brasil e foi criada especialmente para tocar o empreendimento imobiliário financiado pela DFB visando a Copa do Mundo. O sócio e gestor Tobias Junge culpou o Banco Central pelos atrasos nos pagamentos.

– Gostaria muito que isso fosse esclarecido. Admito o atraso, mas tivemos problemas com o fluxo de caixa e a liberação do dinheiro pelo Banco Central. Houve um problema de câmbio. Posso garantir aos credores que tudo será pago. Já pagamos cerca de meio milhão na última semana. O dinheiro já está no Brasil – garantiu o empresário alemão.

Em contato com o, o Banco Central alegou não comentar casos específicos. No entanto, a assessoria do órgão ressaltou que o Banco Central não tem nenhum papel em “liberar” pagamentos em operações de cambio ou qualquer outra operação.

Em relação aos sete artistas plásticos contratados para ajudar nas instalações do Campo Bahia, CT construído e utilizado pelos alemães, três deles receberam o pagamento na semana passada. Houve um acordo com o grupo, que ameaçava entrar na Justiça. No total, a dívida com os artistas ultrapassou o valor de € 100 mil (aproximadamente R$ 300 mil). A promessa é que os demais profissionais recebam nos próximos dias.

Outro credor, a Greenleaf, empresa responsável pelo gramado do Campo Bahia, recebeu desde a última semana duas das três parcelas que tem a receber pela instalação e manutenção do único campo do centro de treinamento. O valor total do serviço se aproxima dos R$ 170 mil. A empresa, que também pensou em acionar a Justiça, cogitou retirar os equipamentos de irrigação para minimizar o prejuízo.
Tobias Junge lamentou a repercussão da notícia da dívida, uma vez que ela mancha, segundo ele, um trabalho positivo para a Alemanha e para a comunidade de Santa Cruz Cabrália.

– Fiquei muito chateado com a notícia, pois o balanço social do projeto é positivo. A coleta de lixo da comunidade, por exemplo, vem sendo paga por nós e em dia.

O empresário ainda falou sobre o campo que deveria ser construído na cidade com recursos da Federação Alemã. Prometida como legado, a obra, que deveria ser entregue até o final de julho, ficou paralisada. Tobias prometeu a conclusão para os próximos dias.

Reportagem de:30.08.2014

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The economics of hosting a World Cup

Realidade Social Brasil
Available indicators of Brazil’s economic activity during the 2014 FIFA World Cup are as dismal as the performance of its national team during the tournament. As a number of Brazilian host cities shut down on the days when matches were played, economic activity fell across the country. As a result, industrial production declined, capacity utilization fell to near-record lows and inventories soared. The football-equivalent of these statistics is losing 7-1 to Germany (the eventual winner) before millions of global viewers. Judging by these short-term indicators, one may conclude that the World Cup was an economic failure. A longer-term perspective, however, is needed to judge the economic merits of hosting a major sporting event. This perspective could provide useful lessons for Qatar, where the 2022 World Cup will take place.
The long-term perspective starts years before the actual event itself. Hosting the World Cup requires major investments, not only in sporting facilities but also in general infrastructure such as roads, transportation network, hotels and services. These investments provide a major economic boost for many years with higher GDP growth. They also generate significant employment opportunities, which the host nation can fill either with their national population or by attracting a large wave of expatriates. Either way, the resulting increase in income provides a second-round boost to growth.
The infrastructure-building stage can help the economy grow faster for a few years up to the tournament. It is important, however, to transform this temporary economic boost into a permanent gain for the economy, lasting well beyond the sporting event. It is crucial in this respect to have a vision for the economy beyond the World Cup. Three issues are paramount in this respect.
First, the World Cup provides a clear milestone for the implementation of investment projects. Typically, the majority of these projects are not directly linked to the World Cup but are needed by the host country irrespective of the event. However, the World Cup provides a focal point and clear deadline for these investment projects to be completed.
Second, hosting an event like the World Cup can transform the image of the country resulting in long-term benefits. The event can increase global awareness of the host country and make it an attractive tourist destination for years beyond the event. The full assessment of the economic benefits of hosting the World Cup, therefore, requires investigating its long-term legacy. One of the success stories is the 1992 Olympic Games where the host city, Barcelona, used the event to transform itself into a major European tourist destination. The number of tourists visiting Barcelona increased from 1.7 million in 1990 to 7.6 million in 2013. The Barcelona experience clearly shows that a major sporting event can be used as a catalyst for economic transformation.
Third, hosting a major global event involving large projects requires detailed cost-benefit analysis, careful planning and sequencing, appropriate execution and monitoring as well as efficient governance over the projects. This helps avoid inefficient investment spending and cost overruns.
Qatar can draw useful lessons from the experience of countries and cities which hosted major sporting events. Qatar’s economy has now entered a new diversification phase driven by large infrastructure spending and rapid population growth in preparation for the 2022 World Cup. This phase is just an interim milestone in the larger vision of establishing a knowledge-based economy as set out in the 2030 Qatar National Vision. In this sense, hosting the World Cup is a means to achieving a longer-term goal of modernizing the Qatari economy.
For a knowledge-based economy to flourish, the right physical and human capital are needed. The 2022 FIFA World Cup provides a useful focal point to complete the required infrastructure and move to the next growth phase. It also helps promote Qatar to the world and attract a growing number of skilled workers. In this respect, Qatar is likely to be an economic winner from the World Cup. Hopefully its national football team will fare equally well.

Reportagem de: 17.08.2014

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Brazil’s World Cup Hangover: A Shrinking Economy

Economic activity in Brazil fell sharply in June, the latest sign indicating Latin America’s largest economy could be slipping into a light recession with a presidential election two months away.

The Brazilian central bank’s index of economic activity fell 1.5 percent in June from May after seasonal adjustments, the bank said Friday, the fifth consecutive monthly decline and the worst since summer 2013.

Brazil’s tourism ministry estimated the World Cup attracted a million foreign tourists for the soccer tournament to Brasilia in June, injected $13.2 billion into the country’s economy (about the same the country invested for preparation) and created 1 million jobs. But Brazil’s labor ministry reported the worst job creation in June since 1998. Labor Minister Manoel Dias has partially blamed the World Cup, saying it caused “a drastic drop in consumption” that led to less working days and less hiring, the Wall Street Journal reported from Brasilia.

While Brazilian employers usually allow workers time off to watch the national team play, Brazil’s 12 host cities declared partial holidays during local matches of any team, Dias said.

The central bank’s index measures the industrial, services and farming sectors and differs from the gross domestic product data estimated by government statistics agency IBGE, which economists consider the official measure of economic growth.

“The data were ugly,” Neil Shearing, chief emerging markets economist for Capital Economics, wrote in a research note Friday. “It supports the message from both the business surveys and the hard data on industrial production and retail sales, which also suggest that Brazil’s economy has weakened considerably in recent months.”

The central bank’s reading is consistent with a 0.6 percent decline in GDP in the second quarter from the previous quarter, according to research released Friday by Bank of America Corp. (NYSE:BAC). Shearing forecasts a 0.5 percent quarterly decline in Brazilian GDP and about 0.8 percent GDP growth this year. Brazil’s economy grew at 0.2 percent in the first quarter from the previous quarter, according to IBGE.

Consumer spending is slowing down too. In June, retail sales across Brazil fell 0.7 percent, much worse than consensus expectations for a 0.4 percent increase from the previous month. All sectors declined, except for supermarkets, Brazilian government data shows. Auto sales declined nearly 13 percent in June, pulled down by Argentina’s ailing economy, the sector’s main export market, and tightening credit in Brazil.

Industrial output shrank by 2 percent over the quarter compared to the previous quarter, the fourth successive quarterly decline, according to government data.

Brazil’s National Confederation of Industry, a trade group, said in a July report that its leading indicator for industrial health fell to its lowest point since 2010.

“There are certainly some atypical factors in June and the World Cup affected the results in an exceptional way,” the CNI report said. “Still, the survey results from recent months indicate that the negative environment isn’t new and that June’s deterioration should have lasting consequences.”

The sharp fall in the economy could prompt Brazil’s central bank to surprise the region with a pre-election cut of interest rates from the current 11 percent at a September meeting. Inflation data coming Aug. 20 will be crucial in the decision, Shearing wrote.

Reportagem de: 15.08.2014

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Neymar Caps ‘Killed’ Bernard and Brazil in World Cup Semi-Final, Says New Chief

Neymar Caps
Brazil’s cap tribute to Neymar ahead of the 2014 World Cup semi-final “killed” the man who replaced him, Bernard, and the team as a whole.

That’s the view of Gilmar Rinaldi, who has subsequently been installed as the team’s technical director after Brazil bombed out of the tournament in the semi-finals.

The caps were a talking point as the nation as a whole struggled to come to terms with the back injury that ended Neymar’s tournament prematurely.

Rinaldi told SporTV (as recorded by Goal):

Brazil were missing our best player, we were experiencing a difficult time and we were about to face Germany – our most difficult game to date in that World Cup. … I would not have agreed to an action like those hats.

What must Bernard have thought going in for him? How must he have felt? It’s like saying: ‘It’s your turn, you will win the game for us.’ The game was already difficult enough.

It was a cute homage and Neymar is a wonderful lad against whom I have nothing but giving Neymar strength at that time was wrong. It should have been about the collective.

On a matchday, we needed warriors to be focused. That’s not why we lost, but the spirit needed wasn’t there. The hats killed Bernard.

In addition to the caps, Brazil captain David Luiz and goalkeeper Julio Cesar held up Neymar’s shirt during the national anthem.

New manager Dunga has also been critical of Neymar’s headwear, but for very different reasons.

During a recent press conference, the 1994 World Cup winner criticised the Barcelona star for wearing his own cap rather than the official Brazil one and vowed to make sure that his national team players are more about the team than individuals.

Reportagem de: 05.08.2014

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Nasri hints he has played last game for France

Samir Nasri has made a decision about his international future and dropped a strong hint that he has played his last game for France.
The Manchester City midfielder was left out of France’s squad for the World Cup finals in Brazil despite playing a major role in his club’s Premier League title.

Nasri is not yet ready to make his decision public, saying in comments reported on “I made it a while ago but I will announce it when the time is right.”
But it appears certain the 27-year-old will announce his international retirement.
He said: “With the national team I didn’t win anything. So it’s more easy to take this decision than if we’d just won something. When you play for a big club, and you play lots of games, it’s easy to come to this decision.”
Nasri was widely criticised in France and labelled a disruptive influence after national coach Didier Deschamps explained his controversial World Cup omission by claiming: “I built the best squad, I did not pick the 23 best French players.”
Nasri admitted the effect of such words on his family made it harder to enjoy life with Les Bleus.

He has a chequered history with the national team, having also missed out on a place in the squad for the 2010 World Cup while he was banned for three matches following Euro 2012 after swearing at reporters.
“Even before the summer, during Euro 2012 I had a lot going on,” he said. “Personally, it doesn’t affect me, but it affects my family. They live in France, they read the press stuff.
“I live in England so I’m fine with everything they say and I’m used to it. But for my parents it’s really hard. I want to make them happy and the national team doesn’t make me happy.”
Nasri has represented France at every level from under-16s, making his senior debut aged 19 in 2007, and has played 41 times for the full national side, scoring five goals.
But he has not featured since France’s 2-0 defeat by Ukraine in the first leg of their World Cup qualification play-off in November. He was an unused substitute in the second leg, which France won 3-0 to book their place in Brazil.

Reportagem de: 04.08.2014

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Spain midfielder Xavi retires from international football

The 34-year-old revealed at a press conference with Barcelona on Tuesday that he has decided to hang up his boots with Spain after winning 133 caps and helping La Roja win the 2010 World Cup and back-to-back European Championship titles.

“I’ve taken the decision to leave the national team. My time there has finished,” he said.
“From now on I’m another fan of the Spain team.
“I’m grateful to everybody at the Federation (RFEF), it’s been a marvellous time for me to be there for so many years and have so much success. I’m leaving very proud and I wish them all the best.”
Xavi made his international debut in 2000, the same year as he helped Spain win an Olympic silver medal in Australia.
Further success came in 2008 when he was named player of the tournament as Spain won the European Championship in Austria and Switzerland – the country’s first international success since 1964.
Two years later Xavi was a key part of the Spain squad that won the World Cup for the first time in their history, and then in 2012 he helped his country retain their Euro crown in Poland and Ukraine.
Xavi was also part of Spain’s World Cup squad in Brazil this summer but played in just one game – the humiliating 5-1 opening defeat to Holland – as the defending champions were dumped out at the group stage.
That defeat to Holland, which saw Spain concede five goals in an international for the first time since 1963, would turn out to be the last appearance in national colours for Xavi.
On whether he had spoken with Spain coach Vicente del Bosque about his decision to retire, Xavi said: “I told him at Euro 2012, he convinced me to continue until Brazil and that was a disappointment for everyone, both at a collective level and a personal level, especially seeing myself left out of the Chile game.
“I told Maria Jose Claramunt (national team director), but I haven’t told him personally. I’m grateful for all the support they’ve given me and I think there’s no better coaching team than now.
“I wish them the best and I’m happy by the fact that Vicente is continuing.”
The pass-master leaves Spain as his country’s second-most capped player, with only current national team captain Iker Casillas ahead of him.
Xavi’s future with Barcelona had been in question as well until recently, with speculation the record-breaking Catalan midfielder would sever ties with his local club this summer after more than two decades at the Nou Camp.

Qatari club Al-Arabi were expected to capture his signature, while new MLS franchise New York City were also said to be in the running, but it was revealed last month that Xavi would be staying at Barca under new coach Luis Enrique.
Luis Enrique has replaced Gerardo Martino, who stepped down at the end of last season after Barca failed to win a major trophy for the first time in six years.
Speaking on Tuesday, Xavi admitted he had been looking to leave Barca, saying: “I finished last season a little disappointed, I suffered two big collective and personal disappointments, maybe the worst of my career.
“I didn’t feel useful to be on the bench in the last and decisive league match (against Atletico Madrid) and then what happened in the national team.
“Then I hastily decided that it was best to leave this stage, but I went on holiday and I spoke with Andoni (Barca sporting director Zubizarreta) and Luis Enrique and they made me see that I can be important and useful.”
Xavi holds the record for the most Barcelona appearances, having played in more than 700 official matches, while he is also the most decorated player in the club’s history having won 22 titles in total, including seven Primera Divisions, three Champions Leagues and two Copa del Reys.
He added: “I thank the club for their patience and for waiting. We’ve agreed on everything. I had two big disappointments and for that I sent a lot of messages to friends saying that I was going. I repeat that that was a hasty decision.
“I’m competitive, I feel useful, I’ve changed my mentality and they’ve made me see that I can be important.
“At the moment I have good feelings about my team-mates and the new staff. I will give everything to continue being important. I hope the fans understand. My mood was not how it is now.”
Xavi is also looking forward to linking up with new signing Luis Suarez.
He said of the Uruguay international, a £75million arrival from Liverpool who is currently serving a four-month ban for biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup: “He’s a spectacular signing.
“I think he’s among the best strikers in the world, he had a great season and we’re now waiting on news of his ban. We’ll see what happens on Friday. We hope it’s reduced a little.
“I have a good relationship with him and think he’s a great person, he’s apologised. We’ll welcome him with open arms.”

Reportagem de: 05.08.2014

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